Thursday, November 18, 2010

“Never Been THIS Good Before!”

by Mark

The colloquial greeting, “How are you?” usually receives back from me, “I’ve never been this good before!”

Granted, I am generally an upbeat, positive, optimistic kinda guy. I have been unexplainably blessed by God in my life – most overwhelmingly, by His Magnificent Person.

I cannot explain why I don’t suffer like some. Nor can I explain why I get to be married to my best friend. Honestly, with all the moving parts in the parenting task, I simply am at a loss to explain why I have three wonderful children, all of whom love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

So, on one hand, my usual response – I’ve never been this good before – seems appropriate. I have been granted a wonderful life, by the Giver of life.

On the other hand, life is hard. Especially in Italy.

It sounds strange to say life is hard in the place many dream about for a vacation. Ah, Florence! The history. The art. The food. The beauty! We recently hosted some friends as they celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, and they experienced all those things, and more.

But living here is hard. God has ordained for me a big, fat trial…in a beautiful place. The language, transportation, culture in general, pace…it’s all different and challenging. For example, there’s usually more month than money (because of the dollar to euro exchange rate), we sleep in a former crypt (yes, really), and daily frustrations of life are more than continuous. Frankly, it feels like continual change all day, every day.

A fellow staff person said, “No one frustration is that big of a deal. It’s like a paper cut. One, or even two or three isn’t a big deal. But when you get home at night to count 100 such slight cuts, it’s painful!” Another staff friend said, “Italy strips you of everything, but Jesus”.

I’ve tried to determine what is so difficult about living here. One day I was absolutely sure it was my lack of connectivity. See, at home I am always connected by computer, my Droid phone, language, etc. I know what’s happening around me all the time. Here, I am largely disconnected. No smart phone here – way too expensive – mine is a dumb phone…

Another day I thought my challenges were more related to autonomy. At home, I walk out to my car (if I want to), drive to where I need to go (if I want to), when I want to…you get the picture. Here, I’m at the mercy of bus stinkin’ 7! If you miss it by a minute, another will be by in 20 minutes. Sometimes the driver leaves early. There are hand signals to respond to that situation, which of course I would never use…

Enough, um, complaining. Back to my usual response to the colloquial greeting.

Think about this:

• If “to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Christ)” Phil. 1:21

• And to be with Christ is far better v. 23

• Then each day I’m alive, I’m closer to death, and being face-to-face with Christ

• Then each day is closer to gaining Christ, and by definition, better than the day before.

• Therefore, I’ve never been this good before.

Just a thought.

What do you think?



  1. "You have a truly dizzying intellect." Love you bro and thanks for sharing. I'm so looking forward to hanging out with you for an hour soon. I have about 8 hours worth to share, so I might be talking kinda fast, but you are used to that. Hugs and blessings to all!


  2. Mark, you never cease to enlighten and encourage! It's wonderful to see God at work... Love you, dear brother! And we will SEE YOU in a couple days!
