Sunday, November 14, 2010

More Third John Four

by Emily

Last weekend Em and Grace were asked to serve as counselors at a Young Life Jr. High camp. Both had meaningful gospel conversations, and Em was able to lead one young lady to Jesus! This is Emily's account:

Some days in Italy the world “out there” cannot be faced: the rushing crowds, the constant straining to understand just a piece of information, the people I yearn so much to reach, but can barely talk to in full sentences. These obstacles can cause a sense of failure within me, a sense that I have no other choice but to “diligently” study at home, waste my life on facebook, or set my troubles aside and enter into the world of a good book.

But, I realize I am here in Italy for one purpose: to serve God and others. Some of the greatest times in my life have been here, in Italy, when the Lord gives me the strength to overcome my fear of failure and wholeheartedly serve Him. When I can forget my little amount of schoolwork, log off of facebook, set down my book, and venture out into the unknown. But the beauty of the unknown is the essential step of putting every ounce of trust in the Lord and allowing Him to lead me into the dark. He is blessing me with so many opportunities to do this, and every time I take these chances and run with them, I see a little glimpse of eternity.

Last week, I was presented with one of the best opportunities yet! I got to be a leader at a junior high retreat for American military kids. God really revealed to me some of the struggles and pain that I never imagined these families serving our country had to face. I was so humbled by the five girls in my small group as they opened up and poured their hearts out to me one by one. It was most definitely perfectly orchestrated by the Creator of the Universe that I was supposed to be there with these specific girls, used by Him to love on them and hear their stories.

The entire retreat was focused on human’s worth in the sight of our Maker and the perfect plans God has for us. God was working all week to soften the kid’s hearts and I think this really hit home in almost all of their minds as they are constantly dragged around from place to place (about every 2-3 years) and never really know what will happen next in their lives.

So, the last night, most everyone was crying. We were all told to contemplate worth: how much they felt they were worth, and how much they were treating others like they were worth.

Then, there was an awesome gospel presentation. We headed up to our respective bunk beds for some small group time, and the room was dead silent. After a few minutes of unsuccessful coercion, my fellow leaders and I decided to take each girl and talk to her one by one. This was when God caught hold of two of the girl’s hearts and brought them out of darkness and into light!

The girl I was talking to was probably the last person I expected to open up to me because she was so shy and barely said two words during the first couple of days. But, God works in mysterious ways and opened this girl’s heart and mouth. He is so good! This girl came to me with tears streaming down her face, her body shaking in fear and hurt, and somehow God spoke through me and led her to repentance. She told me about the pain she felt from her family situation and the rejection she felt from her past. I got to tell her how much God loves her (to the point of death!) and how she had the chance to be with Him forever. She then asked if she could pray with me and start her own personal relationship with Jesus Christ! This girl’s life was changed in an instant and I got to be the first witness!

Situations like this make me so utterly thankful. Thankful that God worked it out so that I could share the gospel while in this country even though I can hardly speak the language. Thankful that He has perfect plans and orchestrates them beautifully, that He planned for me to step out of my comfort zone, and be used to change a life, that He saved this girl from death through me, and that now I get to worship alongside her in paradise!

"I have no greater joy than to hear of my chidren qwalking in the truth" 3 John 4


  1. Emily! I am without words to express the joy I feel in reading your blog. What an incredible gift the Lord has given you in serving Him in Italy. I see the result of your obedience to the call He has placed on your life...and I am so blessed to know that you have been granted the amazing privilege of leading a life to Christ! I can't wait to be with you in a few days, and to hear all the stories you have of what God is doing in and through you! Love you so!!! Mrs. A

  2. How awesome and exciting for Em and the entire Mayers family! You guys are awesome and your testimonies are so encouraging and powerful. Thanks for sharing and letting us join in the celebration.

    We love you all and look forward to more.

    Mike Henry

  3. Wonderful, wonderful stories of how God is encouraging and working through your whole family. Both there and here is bringing the lost into His Kingdom!
    So appreciative of you sharing these stories!
    Love and Prayers,

  4. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing! Praise God!

  5. What a great week for the Mayers and the Kingdom of God!! And the young people your young people took the time to listen to and draw towards the heart of Christ! Yay!

  6. Way to Go Em Mayers! I am very encouraged to hear that you are trusting in God while being led into the unknown, this is His will for you in those kind of situations! Praise God for His ability to change the hearts of the lost!

    Hunter Adamske

  7. Hey All you Commenters,

    Thanks for your kind and encouraging words! Both Emily and Grace are humbled to have been used by the Holy Spirit in this way at the Jr. High Retreat.

    Our next entry will be by Grace about the English Club they have formed with their new friend Courtney...stay tuned!
