Friday, December 21, 2012

You Speak My Language?

So, I was sweating in the sauna @ 24-Hour Fitness late yesterday afternoon. Enter Mehdi, a middle-aged man of Persian decent here studying @ UCI earning a Master’s degree in Computer something-or-other.

As we spoke, Mehdi apologized for his English and told me he has only been speaking it for 2 years. I offered to converse in Farsi. He laughed. Stone faced, I said, “What, you don’t think I speak Farsi?” Taken back, he ceased laughing, looked me in the eye, and stated seriously, “You speak my language?”

Well, I couldn’t lie to the guy, so I confessed, “Well, no…but I have three films in your language on my phone…you want to see?” Mehdi laughed again, as if to confirm that I am indeed a joker, and that of course I had no such films.

Bam! I whip out my Jesus Film Media App to pull up the Jesus Film in Farsi. As the film began to play, Mehdi again looked me in the eye and said through robust laughter, “That is my language…how did you do that?”

“Wait, there’s more!”, as I demo’d Magdalena and The Story of Jesus for Children in Farsi.

Mehdi could not have been more pleased…and stunned. I emailed him the Jesus Film from my phone.

Mehdi and I had quite a conversation about the meaning of his name (“Guided”), various cultures, and our Films. We decided that next time we speak, we will speak about the quality of the Farsi translation of the Jesus Film!

You can do this! Go here to download the app and/or use it on your computer.

Hey, the world is coming to your gym, your office, your campus, your neighborhood. Give them the Gospel in their heart language!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Nick Breit: A Snapshot from 1985
My Memorial

I was running late for a very important date.  More precisely, I was late for a very important running date.

Barry Devine was a 49-year-old professor at CSUN during my years there.  Never short on ambition or energy, Barry’s goal was to run 50 miles on his 50th birthday…and I was just the weirdo to help him train!

Tardy, I sprang around the corner and into Dr. Devine’s shared office space.  Barry was not there, but his officemate, Dr. Nick Breit, was very much present anticipating  his next “divine appointment”. 

Frustrated and breathless I gasped, “Oh hey, Dr. Breit, have you seen Barry…errr…Dr. Devine?” 

“He left maybe 5 minutes ago on one of his crazy runs…what’s your name, young man?”

‘Oh geesh, here we go’, I thought.  I knew of Dr. Breit, but didn’t really know him.  He had talked with nearly all my friends about his Jesus.  Nick was the resident “Jesus Freak”. 

Since I missed my running date with Dr. Devine, I figured now would be as good as any other time to set this guy straight.  I was sure of my superior intellect as I noticed the big, leather-bound Bible on the front edge of his desk. 

Typical of haughty pride, I fired away.   My “questions” were not so much begging answers, but rapid objections to the faith I thought he had, not the faith he actually had.  Turns out my “sophisticated” questions were probably the top 5 queries most skeptics have about Biblical Christianity…and Dr. Breit (hereafter, Nick) had answered them all before…many times. 

Familiar with my type, Nick was prepared, gentle, and respectful (c.f., 1 Pet. 3:13-17, esp. v. 15: “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect”).  He also knew that my questions were a thin veil – a smokescreen, if you like – over my real issue:  I was a sinner in need of a Savior!

Nick was the first Christian I’ve known who had actually thought through his answers to these questions.  It was palpable.  Mine were softball lobs to Nick, but he didn’t make me feel silly for the asking.  He was particularly kind and gentle and compassionate when he answered my questions about the problem of evil and suffering in the world.

I had told Nick about my younger brother’s tragic, untimely death in a car accident just a year-and-a-half earlier.  Emotions still raw from the surreal cataclysm of the abrupt loss of my 19-year-old brother, Nick’s approach in the handling of my heart was nothing less than paternal…divinely paternal.  It was a holy moment, and I didn’t know what holy was.  All I know is this:  When my tear-brimmed eyes met his kind, compassionate, even gentle gaze, I knew he was not the Christian caricature I had constructed in my mind.  Somehow, I knew Nick was telling me the Truth…

Nick had won my trust.  So, what does he do?  Asks me to attend Lynn Martini’s baptism at his church that night.  Bewildered, I asked, “She hasn’t been baptized yet?”   “No, Lynn just placed her trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior.  We believe you get baptized after you become a Christian”.   Nick tried to show me in the Scripture where the order is described as believe, then be baptized, but I was beyond capacity for his Biblical instruction for the day, so I said, “Sure, I’ll go!”

Person after person descended into the baptism Jacuzzi to tell their story.  The fifty-ish-year-old man performing baptism for the penitent new believers seemed careful to discern the veracity of each conversion story.  My mind was blown.  I identified with EVERY story.  It was as though God was speaking – no, SHOUTING - only to me.  “You must turn from your current sin-filled life to Me, the only One who can save you when you die”, seemed to be what I was hearing. 

Then Lynn stepped into the water.  Through sobs, she told of her Catholic upbringing, her confusion about who Jesus was, trying to be “good”, and her sinful choices along the way.  Lynn was telling MY story. 

The pastor confirmed Lynn’s story of repentance and faith and asked, “So Lynn, you now believe that you are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone?”  Her immediate, exuberant response was “YES!”  Pastor John said, “Lynn, based on your testimony I now baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” 

When Lynn came up from the water she would have split her lip had she smiled any further!  And I was again tear-brimmed and stunned speechless as to what was happening to me…I left the church without saying goodbye to Nick or Lynn.

Restless is too weak, but agitated is too strong to describe my soul’s condition that night.  I was on the precipice of life and death.

The next day I was running up Tampa Ave. in Northridge, CA.  At about 1.75 miles into this familiar training run I prayed the best I could, “God. I mean, Jesus.  Well, I guess You’re the same...but not really.  Well anyway Jesus, I want to turn away from my sin-filled lifestyle and trust You to be my Lord and Savior.  I think what Nick’s been telling me is true, and I’m not even sure why.  I believe You died to pay the price for all my sins. Please help me understand.  Thank You.  Amen”.    

At the 6-mile turn-around point I was all alone on top of a hill, heaving.  Not hurling, heaving…great sobs of joy that I was now a child of God, headed for heaven!  I cannot explain why, but I found myself kneeling in the dirt, hands stretched to heaven, repeatedly whispering, “Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus”. 

The next day could not have come fast enough.  One again I sprang into (this time) Dr. Breit’s office.  He was there!  I instantly began to weep, muttering unintelligible stuff about my salvation experience while running the previous afternoon.  Nick said, “Sounds like you’re ready to trust Christ, pal”.  “Well, I think I already did, but let’s do it again!”  Not to confuse me with finer points of doctrine of justification, Nick said, “Let’s pray”.   Unspeakable joy… Unexplainable peace…

By God’s grace, Nick Breit was the human means the Holy Spirit used to preach the Gospel to me.  The vast legacy Nick leaves is for someone else to write.  Suffice to say, because Nick was obedient to open wide his mouth with the Gospel message, even in the face of my haughty, pride-filled, even sarcastic objections, my family and I now serve as missionaries, full-time.   As a result, the Scripture rings true when Jesus is praying to the Father for His disciples in John 17:20:  “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word”.   Believer, Jesus Himself prayed not only for His disciples, but all those who would believe in Him through their words of witness.  Nick was a faithful witness! Are you?  Will you be?

Thanks Dr. Breit.  You were one of the most amazing men I’ve ever known.  See you soon!  Maranatha!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Grace and her roommate in Kenya, Lauren


This is the way many Kenyans start speaking to a group of people.  Meaning, “Praise the Lord”.  And there truly are so many reasons to praise Him!

A couple months ago I was writing a letter to many of you in anticipation for a month long journey to Kenya.  I had little to no expectations, and barely had any idea of what I would be doing.  Well, that month of my life is behind me now.  It’s crazy to think about, and hard to believe, but it’s true… I did that anticipated month, and it did change my life….forever!

In my last letter, I wrote about how God changed my life in an instant when He drew me to Himself in salvation. He continues to change me, little-by-little, as the years go on.

Well, He changed my life again on my month-long endeavor to East Africa.  

It’s hard to know even where to begin in writing an “update” or “recap”.  There are so many aspects of this mission that written words could not even capture.  But, here I go, attempting to put it into words (which, mind you, is not my strong suit!).  Basically, I am going to share exactly what’s on my heart and see where it takes us…

Because I know there any many people who like numbers, I will start there. The entire team that went to East Africa consisted of about 50 people and 4 teams. There were two teams that stayed in Kenya (including my team) and then 1 team went to Uganda and 1 team went to Tanzania. Our first and last weeks were spent in Nairobi all together.  In about 3-1/2 weeks we were able to speak to over 43,000 high schoolers and over 9,000 of them indicated to receive Christ! Bwana Asifiwe!  We worked with Kenyan staff and volunteers who are continuing on with follow up and discipleship with those students!

What we did to get into the student’s lives, was go to their high schools, and do a program. We did the same program for every school, except for when we had to cut things out because of time.  Let’s just say Kenyan time and American time are very different.  We learned to be flexible, or “flex” as we called it. The program consisted of talks and skits having to do with academics, relationships (with authority and opposite sex), and drugs, alcohol, and negative media.  We then, of course, shared the Gospel and a student’s testimony!  At the end of the Gospel presentation we would pray and allow the students to pray with us to receive Christ. When the program was over, we would have one on one time with the students. (sometimes, more like one on 30 time!)  This was my favorite part.  I so enjoyed speaking with the students and seeing their lives change in front of my eyes.  And, of course, see God use all of our own personal lives to effect theirs.

As many of you know, our good family friend, Laurie Anderson, passed away at the end of June, which was only a few days after I got to Kenya. It was, and still is, one of the hardest things I have ever experienced. The way God used that in my life and others lives while I was there was incredible.  From Him giving me peace about staying there, to being able to add aspects of the situation to my personal testimony that I shared in front of the students, to God giving me the strength to make it day-to-day, and having an incredible support system of the body of Christ.  Students were coming and asking questions that I could better answer because of what I was going through.   God was being everything I needed Him to be.

Someone asked me recently if Laurie’s dying while I was in Kenya affected my trip.  It certainly did, in an unexplainable, but understandable way. I know death is not something that we like to talk about but it was/is such an important part of what God did/is doing in my life.  There are so many stories that I would be happy to tell to you personally, but just share the fact that God showed up in my life in ways I would have otherwise never experienced.  He showed up over and over again to be the exact Person I needed.  He was my love, my joy, my strength.  My everything.  He showed me His faithfulness in unbelievable ways, and I am thankful.

I fell in love with not only people, but also a part of the world.  Who knew my heart could get stolen so quickly?!  I know some of you followed me on instagram or facebook while I was gone and saw some of my updates and photos, and that’s a glimpse of the impact the people and the country had on me. I really did have unexplainable love for every person I came across.  And by unexplainable, I mean solely and completely from the Lord.  His love is incredible, beyond my comprehension, but it certainly is not beyond Him to freely give it to us to give others.  And I experienced that!  As I look back on the places we went and the people we saw, I see how dirty things are in comparison to our life styles, how dirty and sick the kids were that we loved on.  But I didn’t even notice at the time!  All I wanted to do was hug and kiss those kids with snot running down their faces and mud forever stained on their bodies and clothes.  I wanted to give them the love and affection they so deeply craved.  I didn’t see dirtiness or a “lesser” people; I saw something that I loved so deeply that I knew it could only be Christ’s love.

Not that there weren’t times of pain, and heartbreak, and hurt.  Not that there weren’t difficult times on this project. There definitely were.  But God was there for those times too. He placed me with an incredible team that lived out Romans 12, and a roommate that I couldn’t be more thankful for (that sadly lives in Ohio. Our whole team is scattered around the U.S.).  The Kenyan staff and volunteers we worked with also captured my heart in a moment and I will miss them continuously until the next time I get to see them!

God did a great work during my month is Kenya, and is continuing to do a great work there…and here.  He is so faithful.  I want to encourage each one of you in that.  Never doubt His power. Never grow tired of doing good.  God will show up, He will be what you need.  We need only to be still and allow Him to use us!

I eagerly await the next time I get to go back to Kenya, and maybe other parts of East Africa, but until then, it is forever in my heart. Kenya is now a part of me, and I thank God for that!  I thank Him, too, for those of you who gave to and prayed for my life-changing month in Kenya!

All my love,

Friday, May 25, 2012

Grace is Going to Africa...for a Month!

It all started with a moment. One moment of God taking out my heart of stone and giving me a heart of flesh, a softened heart that now desired to please Him.

After that moment of replacing my heart, He has continually broken it for the lost souls who don't yet know Him. From people who hear about Him daily, to people who have never even heard His name.

I wake up each morning with a thankful heart because God has saved my soul, and with that thankful heart all I want to do is share the joy and the love I now know, with every other heart out there.

I do realize I can't really reach every soul, but I know I can make a difference.  I want to be part of heart and soul change.

God has blessed me with the opportunity to go out to the unreached and strive to reach them with the good news of the gospel. He calls us in Matthew 28:19 to go out and make disciples OF ALL NATIONS. God has definitely struck my heart with this command. This is what He has called me to.

I know many, young and old, have gone to countries in Africa in the past years.  Romans 10:15 says: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news”. And they truly are. It blesses my heart to see people are out there ...doing!

I'm next to go to Africa.   I prayed a lot about where God wanted me to go, and I honestly don't know why He has called me to Africa, but he captured my heart for the country of Uganda.  Uganda is surely where I will go.

My trip will be with Campus Crusade: Student Venture, from June 19th to July 19th to Kenya and Uganda with the prayer and hope to share the love of Christ with people who have never heard.  (Rom. 15:20-21)

I ask now for prayer.  Prayer for God to lead the group, prayer for prepared  hearts and  minds to hear the gospel, prayer for safety and trust, prayer for learning and  molding, and lastly for salvation!

I am also in need of financial support, the trip is $5,900.  I am fully trusting in God to raise that money. I ask that you only prayerfully/thoughtfully consider investing the amount that is able by you.

If you'd like to give towards my mission go here:, or just send a check (made out to CCC) to my parent's address:

25 Tomahawk St.  Trabuco Canyon, CA  92679

But most importantly, pray!  I will eagerly give updates during ministry and upon my return.  I am so thankful for your support!

In HIM, with love, 

Grace :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

And She's Off...To East Asia!!!

Leslie, Grace and I dropped off Emily @ CBU tonight, as she and her team begin a three-week mission to East Asia.  Em wanted me to post her note of thanks (below) to all who have partnered with her financially and prayerfully.  The essance of their trip is to assist in teaching English to university students, and to engage in spiritual conversations that will lead to the Gospel.

If this is the first you have heard of Em's trip, please consider praying for their effectiveness, and that the light of Christ will be shone abroad!

Hello Friends and Family!

I just want to thank you all for supporting me financially and/or committing to support me in prayer.   It has been such a long journey of learning and growth since I found out I was going to East Asia, and now the day has finally arrived!   I have already leaned so much about the provision of God as slowly-but-surely He prompted all of you to give, and I received almost exactly the amount I needed to make this journey possible.   I am so excited to see the ways the Lord will use me to do His work, and I am honored to be assigned this task.   I know He will use this time not only to bring His light to East Asia, but also to mold and change me into the woman He wants me to be.   I cannot wait to share what He does more specifically.

For updates while I am away please visit:

Stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Amazed and Astonished

I've been amazed and astonished how frequently these words are used in the Gospels.

When was the last time you had a jaw-dropping, breath-taking, eye-popping view of Jesus as you read through Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John?

I'd encourage you to look these verses up, read them in their proper context, and marvel at the most amazing, astonishing Person Who ever lived!  Then ask yourself, "Do I really know this Jesus of the Scriptures"?

And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching…  Matt. 7:28

…and coming to his hometown he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works?"  Matt. 13:54

And all the people were amazed, and said, “Can this be the Son of David?”  Matt. 12:23

When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”  Matt. 19:25

When the disciples saw it, they were amazed, saying, “How did the fig tree wither at once?”  Matt. 21:20

When they heard it, they were amazed. And they left him and went away.  Matt. 22:22

And when the crowd heard it, they were astonished at his teaching.  Matt. 22:33

But he gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed.  Matt. 27:14

And they were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.  Mark 1:22

And they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this?  A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.”  Mark 1:27

And he rose and immediately picked up his bed and went out before them all, so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!”  Mark 2:12

And on the Sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things? What is the wisdom given to him? How are such mighty works done by his hands?  Mark 6:2

And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”  Mark 7:37

And immediately all the crowd, when they saw him, were greatly amazed and ran up to him and greeted him.  Mark 9:15

And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, “Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God!  Mark 10:24

And they were exceedingly astonished, and said to him, “Then who can be saved?”  Mark 10:26

And they were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them. And they were amazed, and those who followed were afraid. And taking the twelve again, he began to tell them what was to happen to him… Mark 10:32

And the chief priests and the scribes heard it and were seeking a way to destroy him, for they feared him, because all the crowd was astonished at his teaching.  Mark 11:18

But Jesus made no further answer, so that Pilate was amazed.  Mark 15:5

And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.  Luke 2:47

And when his parents saw him, they were astonished.  And his mother said to him, Son, why have you treated us so?  Behold, your father and I have been searching for you in great distress.  And he said to them, Why were you looking for me?  Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?  Luke 2:48-49

…and they were astonished at his teaching, for his word possessed authority. Luke 4:32

And they were all amazed and said to one another, “What is this word? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out!”  Luke 4:36

For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken  Luke 5:9

And her parents were amazed, but he charged them to tell no one what had happened. Luke 8:56

And all were astonished at the majesty of God.  Luke 9:43

Moreover, some women of our company amazed us.  They were at the tomb early in the morning, and when they did not find his body… Luke 24:22-23

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More Hands - This Time, Joe's Writing

Joe wrote this for me for Father's Day last June.  I wept.

Dear Dad,                                                                                                                Father’s Day 2011

My hands looked like yours tonight.  The way I remember them when I was a kid, and thought your beard was “fierce”.

Palms crafted in confidence, holding the very secret of safety.

Willingness to discipline, and gentleness to cradle a baby boy, and tell him he is loved.

Across the back stretched cracked leather road maps, revealing the hero they belonged to:

Veins for strength.

Abrasions for work.

Scars for character.

They were thunderous claps, and a calming blanket.

A cup of coffee or three, and then one for your bride.

They were chocolate chip pancakes on Saturday morning, and playing catch ‘til it was just a little too dark for you out there.

They were shoelaces as tight as you could tie them…

And pound it, park it, bump it, high five, up high, down low, too slow.

They were Peace, Love, and Hang Loose.

But most of all, they were pointing…

Pointing to what I couldn’t see, until I saw, Another set of Hands:

The model of your sketch.

Palms that crafted confidence, holding the very universe together.

Willingness to take nails, and gentleness to cradle a young man and tell him he is loved.

Across the back stretch the expanse of heaven, revealing the hero they belong to:

Oceans for Strength.

Mountains for Work.

And two railroad spike-sized scars to make known the unmatchable character of Christ.

They are thunderclaps and calming seas.

Raised a cup to His own lips to spare His bride.

They are the reason for Sunday morning, in whose presence it is never just a little too dark.

They were shoelaces a righteous man was not worthy to untie.

They were pounded, crushed, bruised, nailed up high, brought low, to show: He is The Way, The Truth, The Life.

And He is holding: Holding out redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

So Dad, thank you for pointing me to my Father.

And when I cradle a baby boy who thinks I’m fierce, I’ll sketch him his Father as well.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Emily wrote about hands.  I asked her if I could share it with you.  With hesitance, she agreed. 

I thought it would be cool for you to read it in her handwriting:

Thanks Em.  You make a papa glad!