Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Girl's English Club

by Grace

Emily, Courtney, and Grace

Just the thought of starting an English club here in Italy was overwhelming. How are we going to even have anyone to invite - let alone get them to come bi-weekly to just speak English to us? But Emily, Courtney (another staff girl here) and I felt strongly that that is exactly what God wanted us to do…to be in that difficult position where we rely on Him, to do something we don’t really feel comfortable doing. We knew we had to listen to Him! 

The three of us got together for our first official meeting. We discussed what we wanted to do, who we wanted to invite, how we were going to get them to come, etc.

We decided we wanted it to be just girls, because it would be a more comfortable environment. We invited them through Facebook (Courtney already knew some girls from going to school when she was younger)… Facebook is a great tool people!!!

Every other week a group of Italian teenage girls sit across from Emily, Courtney, and me waiting eagerly to hear what crazy American traditions and words we’ll teach them. Our normal schedule is: a game, food (Americana of course!), and then some sort of discussion in English. We have taught them Telephone Pictionary, Never have I ever, and my favorite, English phrases that don’t make any sense!! “The early bird gets the worm”, “Break a leg”, “Smart as a whip” are just a few examples. You should have seen their faces when we tried to explain these things to them!

We have a lot of fun with these girls. Sometimes our clubs are great, and sometimes we feel as though we failed. But we know God is working. We go into each week with lots of prayer and planning. God keeps giving us new ideas, and it always surprises me. “Yay God!” (as a good friend says).

The best part of this whole thing for me has been God showing Himself to me in incredible ways. Not only just the relationships with these Italian girls, and not just having our English club pull through each week (only by God), but how HE is growing ME.

It truly amazes me watching Him work here. He has been working in me more than I could have ever expected. Even in only about four months God has shown me things from His word and His world and His people that have grown me so much. I'm told Italy will strip me of everything but Jesus, and I want that. I want to only desire Him.

More than anything, God has been teaching me patience and humility. These things that I wouldn't have learned in America, not in the same way, anyway. He is humbling me to know there is no way I can do this on my own. He is teaching me patience in learning the culture, language, and earning relationships with these Italian people. I feel closer to God than I ever have because of having to trust Him more than ever. I am so thankful.

Our hope is to eventually make our English club evangelistic, as of now… we are building relationships, because as some of you know, that’s what Italians are about: relationships… oh, and then food! (Seriously).

We would love prayer for these girls’ hearts to be softened and for God to completely shine through us so they can see His love. Also for our strength to keep up with this, and to trust and rely on Jesus. We couldn’t do this without your prayer, so thank you!

God is showing His faithfulness to me… and for that I’m truly thankful.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

“Never Been THIS Good Before!”

by Mark

The colloquial greeting, “How are you?” usually receives back from me, “I’ve never been this good before!”

Granted, I am generally an upbeat, positive, optimistic kinda guy. I have been unexplainably blessed by God in my life – most overwhelmingly, by His Magnificent Person.

I cannot explain why I don’t suffer like some. Nor can I explain why I get to be married to my best friend. Honestly, with all the moving parts in the parenting task, I simply am at a loss to explain why I have three wonderful children, all of whom love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

So, on one hand, my usual response – I’ve never been this good before – seems appropriate. I have been granted a wonderful life, by the Giver of life.

On the other hand, life is hard. Especially in Italy.

It sounds strange to say life is hard in the place many dream about for a vacation. Ah, Florence! The history. The art. The food. The beauty! We recently hosted some friends as they celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, and they experienced all those things, and more.

But living here is hard. God has ordained for me a big, fat trial…in a beautiful place. The language, transportation, culture in general, pace…it’s all different and challenging. For example, there’s usually more month than money (because of the dollar to euro exchange rate), we sleep in a former crypt (yes, really), and daily frustrations of life are more than continuous. Frankly, it feels like continual change all day, every day.

A fellow staff person said, “No one frustration is that big of a deal. It’s like a paper cut. One, or even two or three isn’t a big deal. But when you get home at night to count 100 such slight cuts, it’s painful!” Another staff friend said, “Italy strips you of everything, but Jesus”.

I’ve tried to determine what is so difficult about living here. One day I was absolutely sure it was my lack of connectivity. See, at home I am always connected by computer, my Droid phone, language, etc. I know what’s happening around me all the time. Here, I am largely disconnected. No smart phone here – way too expensive – mine is a dumb phone…

Another day I thought my challenges were more related to autonomy. At home, I walk out to my car (if I want to), drive to where I need to go (if I want to), when I want to…you get the picture. Here, I’m at the mercy of bus stinkin’ 7! If you miss it by a minute, another will be by in 20 minutes. Sometimes the driver leaves early. There are hand signals to respond to that situation, which of course I would never use…

Enough, um, complaining. Back to my usual response to the colloquial greeting.

Think about this:

• If “to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Christ)” Phil. 1:21

• And to be with Christ is far better v. 23

• Then each day I’m alive, I’m closer to death, and being face-to-face with Christ

• Then each day is closer to gaining Christ, and by definition, better than the day before.

• Therefore, I’ve never been this good before.

Just a thought.

What do you think?


Sunday, November 14, 2010

More Third John Four

by Emily

Last weekend Em and Grace were asked to serve as counselors at a Young Life Jr. High camp. Both had meaningful gospel conversations, and Em was able to lead one young lady to Jesus! This is Emily's account:

Some days in Italy the world “out there” cannot be faced: the rushing crowds, the constant straining to understand just a piece of information, the people I yearn so much to reach, but can barely talk to in full sentences. These obstacles can cause a sense of failure within me, a sense that I have no other choice but to “diligently” study at home, waste my life on facebook, or set my troubles aside and enter into the world of a good book.

But, I realize I am here in Italy for one purpose: to serve God and others. Some of the greatest times in my life have been here, in Italy, when the Lord gives me the strength to overcome my fear of failure and wholeheartedly serve Him. When I can forget my little amount of schoolwork, log off of facebook, set down my book, and venture out into the unknown. But the beauty of the unknown is the essential step of putting every ounce of trust in the Lord and allowing Him to lead me into the dark. He is blessing me with so many opportunities to do this, and every time I take these chances and run with them, I see a little glimpse of eternity.

Last week, I was presented with one of the best opportunities yet! I got to be a leader at a junior high retreat for American military kids. God really revealed to me some of the struggles and pain that I never imagined these families serving our country had to face. I was so humbled by the five girls in my small group as they opened up and poured their hearts out to me one by one. It was most definitely perfectly orchestrated by the Creator of the Universe that I was supposed to be there with these specific girls, used by Him to love on them and hear their stories.

The entire retreat was focused on human’s worth in the sight of our Maker and the perfect plans God has for us. God was working all week to soften the kid’s hearts and I think this really hit home in almost all of their minds as they are constantly dragged around from place to place (about every 2-3 years) and never really know what will happen next in their lives.

So, the last night, most everyone was crying. We were all told to contemplate worth: how much they felt they were worth, and how much they were treating others like they were worth.

Then, there was an awesome gospel presentation. We headed up to our respective bunk beds for some small group time, and the room was dead silent. After a few minutes of unsuccessful coercion, my fellow leaders and I decided to take each girl and talk to her one by one. This was when God caught hold of two of the girl’s hearts and brought them out of darkness and into light!

The girl I was talking to was probably the last person I expected to open up to me because she was so shy and barely said two words during the first couple of days. But, God works in mysterious ways and opened this girl’s heart and mouth. He is so good! This girl came to me with tears streaming down her face, her body shaking in fear and hurt, and somehow God spoke through me and led her to repentance. She told me about the pain she felt from her family situation and the rejection she felt from her past. I got to tell her how much God loves her (to the point of death!) and how she had the chance to be with Him forever. She then asked if she could pray with me and start her own personal relationship with Jesus Christ! This girl’s life was changed in an instant and I got to be the first witness!

Situations like this make me so utterly thankful. Thankful that God worked it out so that I could share the gospel while in this country even though I can hardly speak the language. Thankful that He has perfect plans and orchestrates them beautifully, that He planned for me to step out of my comfort zone, and be used to change a life, that He saved this girl from death through me, and that now I get to worship alongside her in paradise!

"I have no greater joy than to hear of my chidren qwalking in the truth" 3 John 4

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Third John Four

I asked Joe for permission to post this email he sent me. He said yes, as long as I thought it would bless others to read it. He is a humble young man, by grace alone, walking in the Truth:

"Through completely Divine circumstances, I had the opportunity to lead a young man to the Lord today! I don't know much about him, in fact he was a total stranger, but we talked for a while and he explained how he wanted to come to Cal Baptist to get his life turned around, and after telling him a little about Jesus and my story, asked if he wanted to do the same and he said yes. We then parted ways, but I was able to get his phone number, and Julie Ann gave him a bible she had in her apartment. I am hoping to meet with him again to give him some basics of the faith, but I don't really know what to do. Could you give me some basic practical things to talk to him about to get him started? I know that this is the Lord's work, and wholly trust Him, I just want to make sure I am prepared. His name is Peter*

Love you, and thank you for your prayers!

In service of the King!"

The aged Apostle John wrote, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the Truth". 3 John 4

* Peter isn't really his name, but will you pray with us that this young man gets plugged into a Bible teaching church and lots of interaction with other Christians.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Good News/Even Better News!

Some of you know I ruptured my left Plantaris muscle (little calf muscle that helps you ‘point your toes’, or in my case, run up hills), last April. After lots of physical therapy and non-running exercise, I began running again on May 24th – our wedding anniversary! What a gift! I was told a minimum of 12, most likely 16 weeks of PT was required for such an injury. God shortened my rehab to 6 weeks! HA-LAY-LOOOOO-YA!

Welp, I was out running the hills of Fiesole late this afternoon…and BAM!...my left lateral calf began to hurt…really bad. In one step I was reduced to a ‘heel walking’ limp. This pain was not in the same place as the Plantaris pain.

So, heel walk limp I did for about 10 minutes…

this is near the olive groves

My normal Fiesole run takes me through vineyards and olive groves. All the olive growers are harvesting right now to produce what’s call ‘New Oil’ – the pungent, taste-filled oil that exists for mere days in November.

As I limped into an olive grove two men were harvesting their gems. One said, “Buona Sera”. I responded in kind. He replied in English, “Are you OK?”. “Oh! You speak English?”. He said, “Certo…um, of course!” “Well, not really. I ruptured a muscle in my calf a few months ago, and I think I injured another muscle…” “Do you need a lift?”, he responded kindly. “Well, I hate to take you away from your work…”. “You need help…you are more important than my work”.

Wow…really? I thought.

I sweat more than anyone you know. I told the kind man, “I am all wet with sweat. I really don’t want to get your car seat wet”. “Nonsense, get in the car!”, he replied, like I would even bring that issue up…

So, the good news is, I get to trust the Lord for the ability to run again…um, soon!

The even better news is, I had the opportunity to open a conversation about Jesus with this man named…I don’t even wanna try to spell it…starts with an “M”, ends in a vowel…like most Italian names.

He was intrigued with what we do, and asked us to come share more with him…when my leg is better. Don’t think I’ll wait for that!

Grace and Peace and Love and Hope and Joy to you all! Thanks for standing with us in this…surprising work!

mark, for the fam

plantaris muscle song

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

So Utterly Stinkin' Cool!

by Mark

So, our first Americani friends came to visit! Clint and Jill are celebrating their 25th Anniversary in Italia - First stop: Fiesole! We had a blast showing them around for a few days. Clint's a runner, so I took him on my epic trail here:

Praise God for a marriage that reflects well that which it is supposed to point to: Christ and His bride, the church. Way to go Clint and Jill - keep making Him look great!

Then, the girls, Les, and I traveled down to to city outside of Roma, called Promezia, for the Annual Fall Conference for Agape Italia. Way too much to tell here, but we're pumped about what the Lord has done, and for the future plans of this ministry! Both Les and I led seminars for the other staff attending. Les shared the progress of the upcoming Christmas distribution of Magdalena, and I coached some staff in Ministry Partner Development.

Our dear friends, Scott and Valerie (and their daughter and son) attended and contributed to the conference

Scott and Valerie have been a tremendous encouragement to us and Agape Italia for years. We love it when ministry partners visit the field to see what their Kingdom investments have produced, and to be an integral part of the ministry on the ground, in country! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Please pray for our continued usefullness in our little part of the Harvest - for Christ's fame and Glory!

So utterly stinkin' cool!

Grace and Peace and Love and Hope and Joy to you,
mark, for the fam