Saturday, November 6, 2010

Good News/Even Better News!

Some of you know I ruptured my left Plantaris muscle (little calf muscle that helps you ‘point your toes’, or in my case, run up hills), last April. After lots of physical therapy and non-running exercise, I began running again on May 24th – our wedding anniversary! What a gift! I was told a minimum of 12, most likely 16 weeks of PT was required for such an injury. God shortened my rehab to 6 weeks! HA-LAY-LOOOOO-YA!

Welp, I was out running the hills of Fiesole late this afternoon…and BAM! left lateral calf began to hurt…really bad. In one step I was reduced to a ‘heel walking’ limp. This pain was not in the same place as the Plantaris pain.

So, heel walk limp I did for about 10 minutes…

this is near the olive groves

My normal Fiesole run takes me through vineyards and olive groves. All the olive growers are harvesting right now to produce what’s call ‘New Oil’ – the pungent, taste-filled oil that exists for mere days in November.

As I limped into an olive grove two men were harvesting their gems. One said, “Buona Sera”. I responded in kind. He replied in English, “Are you OK?”. “Oh! You speak English?”. He said, “Certo…um, of course!” “Well, not really. I ruptured a muscle in my calf a few months ago, and I think I injured another muscle…” “Do you need a lift?”, he responded kindly. “Well, I hate to take you away from your work…”. “You need help…you are more important than my work”.

Wow…really? I thought.

I sweat more than anyone you know. I told the kind man, “I am all wet with sweat. I really don’t want to get your car seat wet”. “Nonsense, get in the car!”, he replied, like I would even bring that issue up…

So, the good news is, I get to trust the Lord for the ability to run again…um, soon!

The even better news is, I had the opportunity to open a conversation about Jesus with this man named…I don’t even wanna try to spell it…starts with an “M”, ends in a vowel…like most Italian names.

He was intrigued with what we do, and asked us to come share more with him…when my leg is better. Don’t think I’ll wait for that!

Grace and Peace and Love and Hope and Joy to you all! Thanks for standing with us in this…surprising work!

mark, for the fam


  1. GREAT story!!! And we will be praying for your injury!!!

  2. Continually BLESSED by all God is doing in the lives of the Mayers family because they said YES to Him! Mark, I am so sorry that you have an injury to deal with...and so encouraged by your reliance on the Great Physician to do his work IN you!

    Hugs and much love from the Andersons... and SEE YOU IN 2 WEEKS!

  3. Ahhhh, Markie! The ways God chooses to use you! I am sorry about the reinjury, but it seems that it was a blessing. I will pray that it heals soon and that M......a will come to know Him. Love you!

  4. Hmmm. Not sure how to respond emotionally to this story. On one hand I am so thankful to God for his grace in the M guy's life and His continued work in your life to teach you to rely upon Him alone. Yet I am so sad that you got hurt again and won't be able to run for awhile. Sigh. Guess you'll be spending more time in the gym with the non-English speaking dudes who think you use their equipment the wrong way.

  5. Thanks Linda!

    Can't wait to see all the Andersons! Perhaps you can talk LG into coming over?!

    Thanks for praying for M and me, LG!

    Christalee, you should weep for M and laugh for to the mosquito-laden gym. Met a Filopino brother named Arnold who sorta speaks English! He's the janitor, and gets angry when I clean up after my sweaty self...
