Saturday, August 14, 2010

One Week Down, One to Go!

I love my job! I can't believe I get paid to do this job! Perhaps this is true because it's not a job, it's ministry. We get to see and hear of transcendent, eternal life change almost daily!

Just this week I heard the story from Massondou, Guinea of our JESUS Film team workers who literally built a bridge over a river to get to a particular village. After 3 days of showing the Film, 32 souls trusted Christ for salvation, and are in discipleship now! C'mon, now...that gets an out-loud amen, right?!

Italian language class has helped me have compassion for those who endure their jobs. Like me this week, these poor folks can't wait for the weekend. "Everybody's working for the weekend", the song lyrics go. What an awful feeling that must be if it's true of most weeks!

Well, one week down, and one to go. By Friday, we all knew infinitely more Italian than we did Monday (that's not much, I'm just sayin'...). Lorena is gettin loved on and having fun with us, because we're just a bunch of goofballs trying to communicate.
It's pouring in Firenze today, and girls had to get out of the house. Here are couple of pics:

Here's the old dude thanking God it's Friday!