Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dude, Seriously?!

OK, so I admit I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. But, I'm not the most dull, either. But, I am a full-on language DORK! This 4-hour intensive, immersion course with Lorena is not really like drinking from a's more like waterboarding! IF I were Jack Baur, I'd be able to handle this torture, but I'm not. And I can't...

No English, guys. Nada. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nothing even remotely related to English slang...the BIG, FAT NUTTIN! If we have a question for our Mexican born/raised Italian prof...too bad...we're moving on.

Our Spanish/Australian classmate quit...she couldn't handle translating our questions for Lorena - via Spanish - back to English, and trying to learn Italian herself.

The worst part is, we're paying a grand for this s-l-o-w but certain, torturous death.

Just kiddin (sorta). Actually, the girls are doing great, including Leslie. I'm really the only one going, "ummmm...?"

The fact of the matter is, we know a heck of a lot more Italian than we did 3 days ago. This will come in handy when we are trying to engage the culture for Christ's sake, right? Right? Please tell me it's going to be alright...

More later...


  1. Remember the day of Pentecost - God will work through your language challenges. God's love is a universal language which you are FLUENT in. Love you guys and really enjoy following your adventure.

    Mike Henry

  2. Thanks Mike! Love you guys too!
    Can't wait for some Wahoo's with you...Although, if you make it over here, Les and the girls make a killer pasta dish worth the flight!

  3. You're too old to be tortured ;-)
    Praying for y'all!

  4. I'm so PROUD of all of you!!! Praying daily for your minds to be able to absorb what you are hearing. So glad you'll be able to speak it FLUENTLY when we're there in November...even if it IS with a Spanish accent... :-)


  5. It's going to be alright haha :) keep
    Up the hard work, it glorifies God!

    Hunter Adamske

  6. Kwitcherbellyakin! At least it ain't Chinese!

    Seriously, what more do you need than cappacino, cafe americano, and gelato???

  7. Amy, does this look right?

