Saturday, July 17, 2010

First Post Ever

Well, in nine days, the Happy Mayers Family is moving to Fiesole, Italia for a year-ish. That is, without Joe. He's staying home to finish up his senior year @ CBU.

Dude went to stay with uncle Bubba up in Central Coast CA.

Trying to figure out how to post the newsletter we mailed yesterday. It tells of what we'll be doing in ministry, defines prayer points, and gives our new contact information. I'll post it a little later.

Brand new gig here...I'll get better at it...



  1. I'll be checking in on you guys!! Hugs...Mary

  2. Scary picture of Joe! Love the blog though! This is a great way for us to keep up with all y'all!

  3. Sue just got back from San Juan Bautista, and found your July newsletter in the stack of mail.

    She's got you Bookmarked, and will be following along.

  4. Great comments. I feel like I am right there with you guys! Be patient with yourself in the transition. Stress is a funny thing cross culturally. Love you guys! Let me know about the good pasta and Italian food you are having.


  5. Thanks for the photos and update. The saints at Merrimack Valley (Orthodox) Presbyterian Church and I prayed specifically for you all to adjust well in Firenze and be mighty warriors for Christ in advancing His Kingdom there with love and understanding.

    Sincerely in Christ, Allacin Morimizu
