Friday, September 10, 2010

Permesso Update

On August 17th (below) Les posted a lengthy, hysterical description of our 7-hour trip to the Questurra (hereafter, The Q). Our goal was to obtain our Permesso di Soggiornio (Permission to stay in Italy this year). You may recall, that trip yielded nuttin (Italian for nothing) but an angry Italian woman and 4 frustrated Americans.

Since then, our Agape Italia office received a letter from the Chief of Polizia saying the Q folks were wrong about denying our Permesso! So, at the crack-o-dawn on Monday Les and I went back to the Q with the Chief's letter for round 2.

Think of The Q like you would the DMV. One large room and lots of windows behind which work people who don't really wanna be there either. The cold waiting area is not particularly clean, and the bathroom...oh my! Just hold it. okay?!

The young Italian man who helped us was indeed surprised to read the Chief's letter. He was jovial and pleasant, working diligently to help us obtain the cherished Permesso. We spoke of America, California, the beach, and ultimately invited him to visit us!

BAM! Five hours and 20 electronic finger prints later we were outta there! The young man behind the glass made all the difference in the world...

Hey here's a thought: Why don't we - the church - be stunned by our CHIEF'S letter?! How about we conduct ourselves in pleasant joy as we work diligently to help lost people obtain their "permission slip" to get to heaven - namely, the Gospel?! We can make all the difference in the world for Christ's sake and glory and fame!

Here's what Chief Jesus' letter says:

"For our sake He made Him to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor. 5:21

Bottom line: by grace alone, through faith alone, place your trust in Christ alone for your permission to go to heaven.

If this does not make sense to you, please contact Les or me, or a friend you know to be a follower of Christ. We'd love to help you obtain your permesso!

If you'd like to talk, this is our back door. C'mon over!

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