So, here are some things to think about - you can try these at home if you would like a little slice of Italian life!!
Eat your salad last
Drink your coffee really fast and out of a tiny little cup
Don’t put milk in your coffee any time after lunch
Cook your pasta for less time
Put your pizza toppings on separate parts of the pizza, not all over
Don’t put ice in any drink
Drink lemoncello after dinner to help with digestion
Never use a dryer – hang everything up outside
Hang your intimates outside for everyone to see
Rest every day from 1 (1300) – 4 (1600)
Don’t try to shop on Sundays (everything is closed)
Take the month of August off
Pay for your grocery bags and bag your own groceries
Rent your grocery cart at the store entrance and return it when you are done
Wear a plastic bag on your hand when you get your produce – weigh and price it
Don’t try to buy a fan in the fall/winter or a grill for your fireplace in the summer
Go to military time
To turn a light on, push the light switch down
Push a button on the wall to flush the toilet
Always wear a scarf outside starting September 1st… no matter how warm it is
Pick your 3 or 4 favorite sweaters and only wear those for the next three months
Push a door to go into a store, pull to exit
Don’t wear flip flops except to the beach
Speedos all around for men’s swimwear
Pay for your coffee after you have it
Always say hello when you enter a store
Don’t use your disposal
Make all your food from scratch
Spend more time with your family – stroll the streets on Sunday afternoons
Buy a fresh loaf of bread every day
Invite people in if they stop by – ALWAYS offer food and drink
If it gets below 30 degrees, wear your snow suit out in the world
Don’t expect people to be on time (hmm, this one might not be too hard to imagine)
Kiss people on both cheeks when you greet them or say goodbye
Ok, so you get my point? Im not saying that any of these things are morally bad or good… they are just different from how we do them Some of them I like, others I don’t. But I am learning to accept the changes and am even starting to embrace them.
Jesus said in Matthew 22:37 – 40,
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all you soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
In His words, there is no gray area; no room for cultural differences. I am choosing to focus on these things while Jesus conforms me into His likeness. I am well aware that He is using our time in Italy to show me my own weaknesses… and to help me love others better.
Wondering what “rules” from Italy that I will bring back to the USA… stay tuned. And be ready to give me kisses on my cheeks when we return!!